We help to create special moments for in-home caregivers of those with dementia, Alzheimer's Disease and other related dementias.


Millions of people with dementia, Alzheimer's Disease and other related dementias rely on informal in-home care from friends and family, especially spouses, adult children and other relatives. With the affected person unable to be left alone, the average in-home caregiver in the United States spends 47 hours per week and pays direct and indirect healthcare costs of $77,500 per year to support their loved one. For caregivers, the financial and emotional costs produce increased incidence of depression, anxiety, anticipatory grief and, in some case, physical health issues.

As the number of people diagnosed with  Alzheimer's Disease and other related dementias rises, so does the number of big-hearted caregivers who create safe, healthy and dignified environments for their diagnosed loved ones. As the need for quality caregivers has increased, the need for a caregiver community has increased as well.

Caregivers, just like those who are being cared for, need support, information, love and motivation to accomplish the wide range of tasks a caregiver encounters on a daily basis. More than that, caregivers need a community, a haven where they can feel comfortable, invigorated and inspired.



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